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December 16, 2009


Dan O'Brien

This post was from 2009. right now, after 2 years, all things has happened. Thanks for nice post!

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I'm waiting for new post from you. I hope to see some predict about the US situation in next few years.

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very informative site with empirical bases. I agree to all of this, for me if we want to have sustainable living we should start it with sustainable environment and everything will follow.

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i agree with you solar, there are three dimension of development that is interdependent with one another and the lack of one is not fully called success of a country. Theses are human, environment and economy that one is not comprise to achieve the development of one.

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there is a need of lots things to be done to cope this 70 years of economy down. Things will not be happen for one snap of finger but could be possible be done and achieve through prioritizing the needs of people and not the personal interest.

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i really hate obama, that's all i can say, he lots of flowering words during campaign and less achievements when he is already in the position.

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After all those years, a whole lot difference has been made. And we'd better look up to a better future.

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well! I agree to all of this, for me if we want to have sustainable living we should start it with sustainable environment and everything will follow. Do you think that new president will make new positive change?

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In my point of view, No PRESIDENT CAN MAKE A CHANCE FOR THIS SITUATION. So, what will be will be...Thanks for nice post!

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